Still smells like Christmas…??

pine tree

pine tree

I’ve just recently ran into an article that explains how Americans love the different scents of Christmas, and particularly the one of Pine Tree. ScentSicles has been working on the development of scented ornaments to make also fake pine trees smell like real trees. How cool is that? This way we can avoid to kill trees and be all earth-friendly (they’re also biodegradable). And still enjoy good smell 🙂 Continue reading

Happy Holidays from Scent Sciences!


What’s that Christmas smell!?

Happy holidays, dear Scent Sciencers! On behalf of the whole team, I wish you very happy days and a great beginning of the new year. Now, no matter whether you spent these past few days with relatives, eating and sleeping or not, it’d be really interesting to see what kind of scents reminds of Christmas the most. So why not Continue reading

Shopping Time: Can You Smell It?

Three-tips-to-make-your-kitchen-cozier-this-winter_16001044_800913322_0_0_14059506_300 kitchen-2-1957-xlg remodeled-kitchen-featuring-natural-cherry-cabinetryDid you know that if you’re abou to buy or rent a house, you’re actually more likely to go for it if when you see it for the first time it smells like apple pie? Has it ever happened to you? According to Martin Lindstrom, author of Brand Sense, the sense of smell influences emotions and mood and can trigger memories of a specific time in our lives. Some scents may evoke happiness, some other sadness, some other energy, tiredness  excitement… Well, it seems unlikely that we’ll ever walk into a room and say, “I smell HMW” or “Ann Summers” or “Disney”, but a brand like “Sony” already has its distinguishing and particular ‘brand scent’. So I’m really wondering how long it’ll take before other brands will adopt this new dimension of branding. For example, what would

grandarcade_heroApple smell like? Disney? Laura Ashley? It’d be fun creating s contest and see who comes up with the most original answer. It is not matter of only big brands though, as many other business should consider integrating the ‘scent dimension’ to their branding – particularly this time of the year, when everyone is rushing to get Christmas gifts and struggling to be original.
What difference would make smelling a specific scent in relation to a brand to drive consumers’ purchase? And from a consumer’s perspective, what scent would be able to convince you to buy a specific item rather than a non-smelly one? Continue reading

Increase Creativity With Scents!

unleash-creativityHey everyone! I would like to say that this will be my final post because my time here as an intern for Scent Sciences has come to an end. It has been an awesome experience and I have learned a lot along the way. I never knew how much information there was about the olfactory system and the various uses of scents and smells. It’s definitely interesting information to want to learn more about!

Enough about that, let’s talk about something cool! How would Continue reading

Christmas: What Smell Do You Love!

I would first like wish everyone a  very Happy Thanksgiving! I can already smell the aroma of turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, and pumpkin pie, as I write this sentence. Unfortunately this year I won’t be able to partake in the Thanksgiving festivities because I have to work. Luckily I have a wonderful  husband who will be bringing me a plate on my lunch break.

Enough about Thanksgiving, let’s talk about Continue reading

Does it smell like November?

Hello everyone! I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. The days in November seems to be rolling by faster than I realize (probably for you too). I’ve notice Christmas decorations are already being put up in retail stores and houses all around the Silicon Valley.

I started to notice that in November stores are starting to smell a bit different. When I was strolling through the mall, I instantly Continue reading