Jasmine as strong as valiums?

96I was doing some research on the scent of jasmine and I came upon some very interesting information which may amuse you. A laboratory test on mice has found Continue reading

Increase Creativity With Scents!

unleash-creativityHey everyone! I would like to say that this will be my final post because my time here as an intern for Scent Sciences has come to an end. It has been an awesome experience and I have learned a lot along the way. I never knew how much information there was about the olfactory system and the various uses of scents and smells. It’s definitely interesting information to want to learn more about!

Enough about that, let’s talk about something cool! How would Continue reading

Humans Can Smell Fear

 A few weeks ago one of our regular bloggers, Tin Dao, wrote about the smell of danger. It was quite interesting to learn that animals are able to communicate through smell and alert one another . A new study has found that humans can actually smell fear and disgust, two emotions that can be regularly expressed.

Research shows Continue reading

Scent for Rehabilitation: Powerful Sense to Cure Traumatic Stress Disorders

The University of Birmingham in the UK and the University of Central Florida in the US have been doing extensive research in the field, but who else out there is working on similar projects?

This week my attention was brought to the topic of virtual reality simulations aimed to military rehabilitation and cure for Continue reading

Scent Marketing: Powerful Point of Sale

“Today’s consumers are constantly being assaulted with marketing messages everywhere they turn, to the point where few register at all, and fewer are remembered for more than a moment.

How can forward-thinking marketers break through the clutter? Sensory marketing is the answer.” Continue reading