Does it smell like November?

Hello everyone! I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. The days in November seems to be rolling by faster than I realize (probably for you too). I’ve notice Christmas decorations are already being put up in retail stores and houses all around the Silicon Valley.

I started to notice that in November stores are starting to smell a bit different. When I was strolling through the mall, I instantly Continue reading

How do we Know that Scents are Safe? Part 2

Whether the flavors or fragrances are constructed of natural or synthetic ingredients we have established that both can contribute to the list of safe ingredients and to the list of un-safe ingredients.  The origin of the ingredient is a moot point – it is the structure of the ingredient that determines its toxicity / safety profile.  [To be clear, the source can be a differentiating factor IF there are multiple ingredients associated with one source or the other including but not limited to structural isomers of the principal ingredient(s). For instance nature frequently creates l (or d) isomers while synthetic versions are usually racemic mixtures (containing both isomers in equal quantities).]
In the group of ingredients that are routinely used by many to construct fragrances and sometimes flavors there are items for which their safe use has been observed for decades and even longer and yet there are still detractors who claim that Continue reading

Scent for Rehabilitation: Powerful Sense to Cure Traumatic Stress Disorders

The University of Birmingham in the UK and the University of Central Florida in the US have been doing extensive research in the field, but who else out there is working on similar projects?

This week my attention was brought to the topic of virtual reality simulations aimed to military rehabilitation and cure for Continue reading

Scent Sciences Open House – A Big Success!

On Friday, August 24 Scent Sciences Corp. welcomed more than 100 people in the new office based in Santa Clara. The gathering involved mainly investors and partners, but many friends of Scent Sciences took part to the celebration, too. The event was aimed to show all the progress Scent Sciences has made so far, and thanks to the cooperation of many people we had great food, Continue reading

Learning in your sleep?

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to sleep the day away and learn what you need to while you are in deep slumber? Teaching verbal information so far has not been much of a success, according to the Weizmann Institute of Science inn Israel. Scent and sound associations however seem more promising. As the New Scientist reports, “While subjects slept, the team played different sounds, each followed by the release of a specific aroma. Just as they would when awake, the sleeping subjects took deeper sniffs in response to pleasant scents and shallower sniffs in response to unpleasant scents.”

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The Colors of Scent

What color do you think about when you think of burned paper? Or chewing gum? Or Chanel No. 5?

The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign had a team of researchers who have developed a way to compare aromas visually using specially developed inks.

Under the lead of Kenneth Suslick, the researchers used Continue reading

The Implementation of Scent in Museums

Since the announcement of our product, we have received substantial interest in the ScentScape from museums across the world.  We are so thrilled to receive such a strong interest from curators worldwide!  In our recent conversations we’ve learned that curators believe that scent will strengthen the bridge between the viewer and the exhibit in a meaningful way.

The connection between scent and museums is not new.  Historically, the Odorama exhibit at the Pompidou

Lifestyle Resources Magazine – Guess who’s in it!

Last week Lifestyle Resources published a brand new magazine full of interesting information and interviews. And guess what? Scent Sciences was lucky enough to appear on a 4 page article!

If you follow the link, you’ll be redirected to the first page of the magazine. After that, you just need to go to page 44-47 to learn more about Scent Sciences’ product line, marketplace and next steps!

In addition to  Scent Sciences dining and lodging, travels and events. Check Lifestyle Resources out, great and interesting magazine! Continue reading

We’re on Flickr!

Want to know more about what is happening in the real world of Scent Sciences Corporation? Get to know our company and the team by checking out our brand new Flickr page!  We’ll be posting images of our products, expos we attend, and company outings.  Also, let us know if you have any requests of images related to Scent Sciences.  We’ll try our best to get them up!Our first album highlights the party that was held to celebrate the return of our marketing maven, Carlotta ZorziContinue reading

Cool Products Expo

Hello technology addicts!

We are pleased to share this first article (click here) with you, as we are sure you will find it interesting.

Two weeks ago our team attended the “Cool Products Expo” at Stanford University and we are pleased to say that we received so much positive recognition and appreciation. It was a great way to introduce our product to a new audience, and at the same time to see many other great technological devices. Continue reading