We made it to the quarter final..Thanks to YOU!

The bizjournal announced at the begininning of the week that Scent Sciences moved to the quarter final of the social media madness competition with other seven companies listed in the small business category. What can we say? THANKS EVERYONE FOR VOTING AND FOLLOWING US! This is a great achievement for Scent Sciences, and definitely an interesting run. But this is not the end! We  Continue reading

Guess who took the lead?

After the first weekend of the Social Madness competition, we took the lead in our size category! For the full article please [Click Here]

Social Madness is represented by Capital One Spark Business and it shows the best social media growth strategies with local companies. This is at first a local competition but will soon be held in nationwide rounds. More than 50 companies are currently contestants in this competition. Continue reading

Can you Smell the Innovation? Vote for Us!

Hello loyal followers, readers, and lost internet users! We are happy to announce that Scent Sciences just took part in a social media competition! The results will be based on popularity and votes, so if you want to contribute please feel free to spread the word!

The competition is organized by bizjournals.com and it challenges small, medium and large companies to broad their online presence.  If you click on the link you can find Scent Sciences’ name among the small companies. Once you’ll find us, please VOTE for us (you do not need to register or anything) and like our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn!

Help us spreading the information among your friends – it’s time to smell the Innovation!